Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Type of Schizophrenia

Type of Schizophrenia

            There are four common type of schizophrenia. There are paranoid type, hebephrenic type, catatonic type and schizoaffective type.

1)  Paranoid type

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  • Commonly known as paranoid schizophrenia is the type of schizophrenia that has prejudice against their environment. It is also a reflection shown by the sufferers of their fear. They also can’t distinguish between reality or just fantasy.  
2)  Hebephrenic type

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  •      Hebephrenic schizophrenia is a type  of schizophrenia which can be trace by their disorganized speech, disorganized behavior and flat or inappropriate affect

3)  Catatonic type

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  •       Schizophrenia catatonic type is marked psychomotor disturbance that involve motoric immobility. The common symptom shown by the sufferers is they are able to get into a specific position on a long period of time. For examples they able to keep their hand up for hours.

4)   Schizoaffective disorder

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Schizoaffective disorder is a combination of schizophrenia symptoms such as delusional, hallucination and mood disorder like depression, mania, and hypomania.

American Psychiatric Association. (2017). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: Dsm-5. Arlington, VA.

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